Friday, November 30, 2012

First Texan room design!

Don't get too excited. It's just a small study nook for the big girls. And, it only took me 3 months to complete. But, hey. It's a step. :)

Tonight, we start on the big girls bedroom. It's much smaller than the room they came from- so we need major reorganization. But who can reorganize a STERILE, FLAT WHITE PAINTED ROOM? Not me. We are sticking with neutrals, but neutrals can be warm (or cool!), and inviting. AND you should be able to wipe off sticky finger marks, or the occasional pencil drawing. ;) But before I start on that..... here's this project (mainly done!). See you in 3 more months!! :D

I'm completely, and totally, into blues. Any shade. This is one of my favorite shades!

Find some of those personal frames laying around, and add a few..... Leah, and her shoes.

Add some sayings you want your kids to live by.

Go to TJ Maxx's clearance section for adorable accessories! Love these pillows (less than $7 per). I've had great luck with Overstock's furniture pieces this year. Perfect chairs!

Hobby Lobby clearance! "Happiness is not a destination, it is a way of life." VERY important words for me, AND my kids.

Jenna and Daddy.

Leah and Daddy.

Thanks for looking!!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

From small town Indiana....

.... to the 4th largest city in the US. But we DID it!

We've been here for 5 weeks. We made it in just days before the big girls started school- K, and 2nd. They are pretty well settled in-- making new friends, getting invited to dance classes, playing nearly every day with our neighbors-- and although a BIG adjustment from private to public, no major problems yet.

I certainly miss the Christian aspect of school back home (can I say 'home' when this is... 'home' now?), and we are still trying to find a church home. We found one that has an amazing kids area, and great music, but the message (and deliverance) has just been 'ok.' We have a couple more to try, and thankfully, the kids don't mind the bouncing around.

The boy sits 6th on a waiting list for the preschool we want him to attend. Not bad-- but I'm ready, and he certainly is ready. There is only so much car-playing, and a little decorating, we can do in a day.  Plus, I desperately need some one on one time with Norah. In the meantime, he's obsessed with the iPad, and PBS kids. I caught him trying to ride a scooter down the slide yesterday.....

We did join a MOMs group, and that's fun! They have tons of planned activities-- sometimes I'm gung-ho for GPS'ing AND mapquest'ing and, inevitably, getting lost trying to find these places-- and other times I just want to hang out at home and get the house in order. I'm generally a home-body, and one of my greatest passions is decorating.... so that has been winning most days!

Some things that are different here: It's HOT. It's a short 5 minute walk to/from school. We don't have a mailbox in front of the house, it's around the corner with everyone else's. It's HOT. Garbage picks up twice a week, and they walk the can back up to the garage. Driving is different- the expressway exits are different, the stoplights are different, there are a MILLION interstates, with a SQUILLION cars on them. Did I mention that it's HOT?!

We survived Jason's first international trip while here..... barely, but we survived.

Back to decorating.... I think I'm going to blog some of that as I get the rooms done. I love it, simply. I have a nice, empty palette in my new, pretty house. THE WORLD IS MY OYSTER! Pics to come. :)

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

To my children....

I didn't write it, but I cried reading it. Thank you, God, for my blessings.

May you be blessed with all things good.

May your joys, like the stars at night, be too numerous to count.

May your victories be more abundant than all the grains of sand

on all the beaches on all the oceans in all the world.

May lack and struggle be always absent from your life

and may beauty order and abundance be your constant companions.

May every pathway you choose lead to

that which is pure and good and lovely.

May every doubt and fear be replaced by a deep abiding trust

as you behold evidence of a Higher Power all around you.

And when there is only darkness and the storms of life are closing in

May the light at the core of your being illuminate the world.

May you always be aware you are loved beyond measure

and may you be willing to love unconditionally in return.

May you always feel protected and cradled in the arms of God,

like the cherished child you are.

And when you are tempted to judge may you be reminded

that we are all ONE and that every thought you think reverberates

across the universe, touching everyone and everything.

And when you are tempted to hold back,

may you remember that love flows best when it flows freely

and it is in giving that we receive the greatest gift.

May you always have music and laughter

and may a rainbow follow every storm.

May gladness wash away every disappointment.

May joy dissolve every sorrow and my love ease every pain.

May every wound bring wisdom and every trial bring triumph

and with each passing day may you live

more abundantly than the day before.

May you be blessed

And may others be blessed by you.

This is my heartfelt wish for you.

By Kate Nowak

Monday, April 2, 2012

Precious 3 year old prayers....

*** From March.... I couldn't get the audio to upload until now ***

First, this is what you need to know:

A neighboring town, just a few miles away, was devastated by deadly tornadoes just a month ago.

"TOMATO" = tornado.

The boy has had tremendous trouble with his ear. (His butt?? Not sure about that one. :D)

Jenna had just hurt her neck a couple of days before.

"BITCH" = fish. (I swear I don't make him ask people "if they're his fish." Bahahahahahaha!)

His monster truck book is one of his prized possessions.

Papa has a motorcycle, which Mitchell prays is "covered" up at night. :)

Now, on to one of the sweetest prayers you'll ever hear......

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Well, life won.

I miss blogging! But who has the time? I feel like I spend enough time on my computer and iphone as it is, but I've decided that this blog is special to me, and something I truly enjoy. So, I'm back. :) Who knows how often I'll post, but I hope it's semi-regularly. I just need approximately 10 more hours in a day.

What's going on around here?

The 'baby' just turned ONE. Somehow that first, sweet year, gets faster and faster. And faster. Norah is a precious, feisty little angel. She loves her Momma... and Dada, and her brother and sisters. She loves crackers, and hot dogs, and bath time. She loves for me to put bows and clips in her hair, but could do without diaper changes. She still sleeps 12-13 hours at night. AND takes 1-2 naps. Sleep training education, anyone? :)

Mitchell is a turd. I blame it on his chronic ear infections (just had his 3rd ear surgery in the past few months).... but it may be his personality. Or the fact that he's 3. He is SO much fun, but he doesn't take crap from anybody! He just got a big boy bed, and he loves it. No problems at night or naptime. Thank goodness! He has always fit into the family in that way- we all LOVE our sleep. He is currently obsessed with monster trucks, and is finding a love for baseball. I love watching him, left handedly, hit the ball. Can't wait for the summer!! His best little friend in preschool is a girl, and he adores her. :)

Jenna is finishing preK.... and is so, overly excited to start kindergarten! Her writing is improving quickly, and she's interested in learning to read. Her friends are still her WORLD. Including a new little neighbor friend that isn't so nice. She had to learn a hard lesson, at a young age, that family comes first. And if someone treats our brother or sisters bad, they're really not a friend. Oh, and she LOVES reading the Bible. I love this kid. Even if she does cry. ALOT. :)

Leah has grown up tremendously. Sometimes I think I still treat her like she's a baby.... because in my heart, she IS. Then I see her big ol' feet! That's truly what does it for me. She's all grown up.... 6.5, going on 20, still. She's way too big for her britches. She has had a WONDERFUL winter healthwise. I could NOT be happier about that. She is growing her hair long to donate it to Locks of Love. I love this kid's heart. Lastly, I mastered french braiding.... so now I'm awesome. :)

Our house is still on the market. I feel like we are getting somewhere with final details from the company.... and hope that the timing of it all works out smoothly. We'll be finishing the school year here, no matter what, and if our house sells, hopefully settling quickly there so as to start school on time. I don't consider myself a high-stress person, but I've found something to prove me wrong. My OCD (which peaks in my house cleanliness) gets me every time we have a showing. My kids will, without a doubt, seek therapy in 20 years or so.... telling the therapist "I just keep hearing my mom say 'don't mess that up, we have a showing;' 'who made this mess?'" I'm ready to just be a family on the weekends, and to let my kids play like kids. Sigh.

I love my life. Not every minute of every day- but at the end of the day, I know I'm right where I should be. We don't know what the next few months will hold for us, but wherever we will be, we will be a family..... hopefully, with more time to just sit and enjoy that. It's all going by too, too fast.

I'm blessed, and extremely thankful. One of my favorite reminders: "What if you woke up today with only the things you thanked God for yesterday? What would you have?"

Thursday, September 15, 2011

They certainly pick up quick.

We're not doing anything, Mom.

But we sure are cute.

"Hey Norah, do 'dis......"

What?! I have one, too?!....  


Wednesday, August 17, 2011